Play group
Playgroup Program is designed to develop and reinforce each toddler’s individual needs as he learns through his senses and stimulations.Children participate in sensory-based learning experiences beginning with the action-based schemes of the sensory-motor stage and progressing to the symbolic, then logical, and finally to the abstract thought of succeeding stages.
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Nursery 1
The Pre-Nursery program is designed to help develop the social, emotional, self-help and physical skills of the children for the next stage of development.Communication skill is a vital portion of the curriculum as children expand their vocabularies and assign meaning to new experiences. Sensory and repetitive activities transform these new experiences into knowledge.
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Nursery 2
The Nursery Two Program is designed to inspire the children to be creative and interactive whereby the curriculum is planned into termly thematic units.Children acquire new kinds of visual discrimination when they learn to read.
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Kindergarten 1
Kindergarten One Program objective is to develop the groundwork for a sound sense of belonging and personal achievement.The curriculum is planned into thematic units that builds upon a series of hands-on activities which are integrated throughout all subject areas and learning corners.
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Kindergarten 2
Kindergarten Two Program is developed to build children confidence in the classroom and in the world. The curriculum planned for this age group of children is to develop them holistically.Learning and development takes place in totally where all domains of development(physical, motor, cognitive, language, socio-personal, emotional, creative and aesthetic appreciation) are interrelated and act simultaneously.
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