Kindergarten One Program objective is to develop the groundwork for a sound sense of belonging and personal achievement. The curriculum is planned into thematic units that builds upon a series of hands-on activities which are integrated throughout all subject areas and learning corners.
The process of acquiring language and the effective use of it includes a host of non-verbal behaviours, rules of etiquette, a change in the content of speech as well as the context of communication. It will further support the child’s ability to detect that regularity of syntax and use it to create meaningful utterances of her own.
As language is critical for learning across the curriculum, thus teachers facilitate theme learning activities to enrich and extend children’s interest in language, which in turn enrich their early literacy skills. Learning corners are planned to enhance children interest and stimulate curiosity which will help to exercise their thinking skills.
Social and Emotional Skills
Chows Group is full of activities designed to increase children’s independence, further developing their confident and abilities. Teachers encourage the children to play a responsible role in their classroom. Children...
Communication and Language Development
Chows Group contains activities that will promote early literacy skills, including alphabet letter recognition, phonics and comprehension. Your child will be immersed in a print-rich environment, surrounded by aware-winning children’s...
Cognitive Skills
Cognitive skills are the foundation of learning knowledge. Chows group contains many activities designed to prepare your child for primary school. Children are encouraged to recite finger plays and nursery...
Physical Skills
Chows Group addresses all gross motor skills, which strengthen the large muscle groups of the body, including arms and legs. Gross motor skills include jumping, kicking and catching a ball...
Character Education
Chows Group believe it’s important to introduce children a wide variety of character traits. Each month, a value, such as pride or cooperation, is introduced to your child throughout the...
Mathematics and Science Skills
Chows Group also focus on Math and Science readiness. Your child will practice important Math skills, such as classifying, identifying shapes and numbers, and counting. Teachers will provide many hands-on...