Portfolio Tag: communication

Focusing on high quality children's literature, Chows Group provides children with many opportunities to increase their language and communication skills. Their vocabulary and appreciation for the written word will grow as they read books. All early literacy skills, including letter recognition, phonics and comprehension will be addressed in developmentally appreciated ways....
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Communication entails more than just speaking words; it's expressing thoughts, wants, and needs. Communication also involves listening and understanding what others are saying. Chows Group offers children many opportunities to express their thoughts and opinions with their friends and teachers. Children will be immersed in a print-rich environment, boosting their pre-literacy skills....
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Chows group's caring teachers have a deep understanding of how toddlers communicate. They teach toddlers to put their wants and needs into words. Toddlers are encouraged to sing simple songs, recite nursery rhymes, and expand their vocabularies....
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